Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Planet Earth: episode 6

A polar bears starving to death because he had been swimming for days in search of food, and do not have the power to kill its prey. A big giant to us, this bear looks so small against the background of a very large walrus, who stabbed him with their tusks to try to steal their young. You can not blame the walrus, but you also can not help but to feel hungry bear, who has lost half of its body weight in less than three months. Half.

Can you imagine what it must be like? I weigh 300 pounds and every time I get a shock even hungry, I stroll casually into the kitchen and grab something to eat (which is why I weight 300 pounds). After finding that this bear has actually been starving for months, it seems like the roar of cries of despair and frustration of suffering, because he was starving to death.

So in the end, as I challenge the curse of Adam is no longer live off the land which he was shackled, I live and breath and the world closer to the end, I - the human in me - is responsible for this massacre.

But there is joy and beauty blended together with unthinkable tragedy. Penguins, because they find their partner, and intercourse, their child-rearing - the capital passed off their eggs to the father who brunts out a terrible winter with his brothers - just for women returned with food in the spring. Mothers who lost their children, struggling to adopt a motherless girl.

No science fiction, in my mind, which can touch the world of strange and bizarre found in our oceans. They are a big hump back wales, how strange they are, but also how very interesting and captivating them. Large expanses of the earth - how microscopic life in comparison. How minutes we stood against the background of history - natural. This begs the question, who are we, when we all - every last one of us breathe in and out now - will be long on the ground in 200 years. However, science tells us that the earth is billions of years.

That man has been here for 50,000 or more? Even the young earthers claim the earth more than 6000 years. a hundred generations of 60 years. In 100 years, you will be nothing more than history. Something for someone might read if you're lucky - most of us (as most of humanity) will drift into eternity with no records to account for us.

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